01. Projects

Art Gallery
Castle Decks

02. Castle Decks

03. About Me

Hi, I'm lukalot, I'm a developer and artist, and I often try to dream up neat works of art and software. It's up in the air whether I actually do or do not build neat things, but you can check them out and decide for yourself. Besides art I love unusual computer simulations, ambient music, and inline skating. I use Linux. I'm inspired by some of my favorite games' art styles, and build my own games. When I was a teen I worked on Lazy Galaxy 2, as an illustrator. Now I work at Castle.xyz, a new social media for interactive art and games which can be built by anyone from their own phones. Some of my complete projects are posted above.

Twitter | Github | Castle

04. Copyright

©2021-2023 Luke N. Arnold, lukalot